PETA attacks the FFA
Clayton Griffin
PETA Attacks the FFA
Peta activist Jacqueline Domac posted an article attacking the FFA on a Peta website. unfortunately, this article was up to PETA’s usual standards of truth and accuracy.
the article begins thusly.The FFA program fosters young people’s natural empathy and humanity by caring for the animals, then forces them to sell these animals, whom they have fostered, for slaughter at the county fair.The lessons of emotion that this process teaches have no acknowledged place in our school system, PETA is calling on the Department of Education to directly discontinue the use of animals in all FFA programs.There’s just one problem with these claims, according to the FFA — none of its members were involved in any of these incidents. According to an FFA ,and the Department of Education to immediately discontinue the use of animals in all FFA programs.The FFA organization and its programs do not receive any federal funding.
Funding for my local FFA comes primarily from members’ dues, sales of supplies and merchandise to members, and program fees paid by students and chapters.These funds make available important educational opportunities and award programs at no cost to individuals that provide further incentives for FFA members to further their education and career development.
The FFA program is likely to make students less susceptible to commit acts of cruelty towards animals in their care.PETA’s statement that FFA members who work with animals in schools are more subject to commit acts of cruelty against animals are unsupported and denied by experience. FFA members are taught to care properly for animals by comprehending their behavior, well-being and nutritional needs.FFA students should be familiar with the proper care of animal’s well-being,and development skills.
FFA members are taught to dress accordingly.Whether it’s for a FFA conference and we should be wearing our official dress,a FFA t-shirt and jeans are worn at any activities. we as the FFA organization know how the public thinks of us. This is our legacy and belief that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.The FFA jackets may not be the most comfortable,but members wear them with pride.The FFA members realize that the jackets they put on are apart of something larger than themselves. They are apart of an association who does substantial things across the nation.
Sometimes working with other people requires difficult decisions.FFA members all know that honesty is the best theory, but being aware of how others will discern something is also very important.FFA sees this most times with official elections.Not everyone can be chosen who is on the ballot. It’s important to have good officers for a smooth running organization.The members that didn’t get elected can still be a committee chair. Keeping members occupied and use of their strength, while being considerate in manner, is something that FFA members strive on.