While extra credit to survive Spanish with coach Pratt may be a chore.Extra-curricular activities like football,baseball,and basketball are fun for most students.Even though,these activities have the potential to help students,but may also be harmful because it may develop good team spirit.
Most students experience a loss of time due to extra-curricular activities.For example,spending time with family is very important,but if that valuable and precious time gets taken away the student can be very stressed.Because he is practicing every Monday night to get better at playing the instrument,learning the tips to get a first division at contest,and to play on tempo.Being in an extra-curricular activities will take time away from having family meals late at night,to relax and watch a movie together,or to play a family game,which makes the family closer together.Even though school activities might include parents it is not the same as*In addition,stress builds up in students when they do not have enough time to be with their family or friends is very stressful on their lives and unhealthy also.Therefore,while extra-curricular is good building talents,it still is a sacrifice to improve the student’s lives and have a better future.
Even though he must give up family time to be a part of the band,be on the football team,or playing baseball all require good team spirit.
Cheerleaders cheering,crowds roaring,band screaming loud is all part of team spirit,but for an athlete it is more important to be a part of the game.For example,pride in a sport is what builds good character for the future ahead.Students improve their life when they get to be a part of something amazing,which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make themselves unique.In addition,the band learns from the past mistakes and makes better actions in the future.Mr.Steele reviewing previous tapes in class to show the band what they did wrong on the field.Practicing to not make those mistakes in the future is very important for the band.The band will learn from their mistakes just like an athlete will learn to make good team spirit.
Overall,extracurricular activities do have a positive effect on students live like studying the future and having good team spirit.Extra-curricular activities also have a negative effect on students lives like taking valuable and precious family time away or building stress in students.