May 14

Fear Affects People’s Lives

Fear is sometimes unknown “the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” By H.P.Lovecraft.Even though that unknown fear can come into the light and be conquered.There are positive and negative ways of fear that affect people’s lives,such as missed opportunities and protecting us from danger.

There are lots of missed opportunities due to fear.Fear is a very evil sensation that sparks in the body that makes someone afraid for their life,but sometimes we don’t know exactly what our fear is and when it happens.For example,walking down the street unknowing fear of blood pumping “pops” within the brain is thinking, “Is someone going to hurt me?,am I going to get hurt?”.That fear is what keeps someone from doing a once in a lifetime opportunity to make themselves into a leader of a group and not be afraid.In addition,doing the job and getting work done is a brave thing to do,but when the job is failed the missed opportunities keep piling up.The bills do not get paid off and the car gets repossessed,because of this that is a missed opportunity.

“Fight or Flight” is a saying,which either we stand and fight or run away.For example,same as fear of the unknown we either stand and fight it off or run away and let it go.God gave us the instinct to fight our fear or run away.Hot stove,”ouch” or a hard head contact with wall.Our instincts help us be cautious and careful of our surroundings.In addition,being cautious will help us better protect ourselves from the evil danger that lurk upon us unknowingly.A deer surrounded by a pack of wolves has the same thought in its mind “Fight or Flight”,it is thinking mostly to get away if it could.

Overall,fear can be unknowing and will affect our lives very badly but these unknown fear can be conquered.


Posted May 14, 2015 by cgriffin1 in category ELA Writing Portfolio

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